Sunday, July 27, 2008

Obama Versus McCain The Corporate Media

McLellan admits that the Bush White House issues talking points to Fox News. Think Progress has more on this story.

Meanwhile, the McCain campaign trainwreck rolls on. As Josh Marshall says:
McCain has now abandoned virtually everything he's been campaigning on for the last year.
But the media is still not calling him on it. Instead they keep pretending this election will be a cliffhanger:
"Trumpeting this race as a toss-up, almost certain to produce another nail-biter finish, distorts the evidence and does a disservice to readers and viewers who rely upon such punditry. Again, maybe conditions will change in McCain's favour, and if they do, they should also be accurately described by the media. But current data do not justify calling this election a toss-up."
And even FAUX NOOS can't help:
A Fox News Poll found that 51 per cent of Americans think Senator Obama will win. Only 27 per cent pick Senator McCain (from 32 per cent last month).